Billing & Payment Methods
In order to use Casa Raia for pick-up service, you will require a valid credit card. The cardholder and the Guest or Account holder must be one and the same person. In order to make a reservation through Casa Raia for pick-up service, your credit card information will be collected by our third party payment processor (” Payment Processor “); however, the Payment Processor will only complete the sale and process your credit card once you pick up your reserved product at the specific retail location on pick-up day. Your credit card will be charged the advertised price in your reservation confirmation and receipt. The terms of sale for your reserved product are those applicable to all in-store purchases as may be supplemented by these Terms and any terms on the confirmation of your reservation and receipt.
For delivery service, payment will be processed by a licensed liquor delivery service (the ” LDS “). Casa Raia and Brewers Retail cannot, under current regulations, accept payment from the Guest or Account holder for product (or delivery service fees) to be delivered to home consumers, the LDS must purchase the product on your behalf. The LDS receiving the order will be paid by the Guest or Account Holder once the LDS delivers the product to you.